Suggest a place name

Last updated May 13, 2024

Would you like to suggest a name to add to the municipal toponymy list? Here is the information you need to provide when making a suggestion.

Proposals for names and requests to give a name to a public place must be submitted to the Division du patrimoine.

Please provide basic information to make it easier to review the file. Provide clear information about the sources of your answers.

Proposing a new name

  • The exact spelling of the name
  • Dates of birth and death, as well as a short biography if you are suggesting the name of a person
  • A text explaining the reasons to add this name to Montréal place names

Proposing a name for a specific public place

  • A description of the site (adjacent streets, lot number, etc.)
  • A site plan and a few photos showing the place and its neighbourhood context
  • Details about the planned design of the site, if necessary

If your suggestion is accepted, the Division du patrimoine will contact you. The name may also be kept in the toponymy databank for use in the future.

To suggest a name for the data base


Complete this form (In French) to submit a name to the municipal toponymy bank.