Social economy enterprises: Register to join the supplier database

Montréal encourages social economy enterprises to offer their products and services by registering as suppliers in its database. Those that meet the economic, social and environmental criteria set out in the city’s Procurement Policy will be prioritized in the purchasing process.

Facilitate access to social economy enterprises

In order to develop a more inclusive economy, Montréal has improved its Procurement Policy for enterprises, such as non-profit organizations, co-operatives, mutual associations, associations and foundations.

The city favours entreprises that:

  • Procure their own supplies, produce or assemble and distribute their products on a local scale (in full or in part)
  • Respect employment equity and are inclusive at multiple levels of decision-making
  • Offer products and services that perform well and are responsible and innovative in terms of energy consumption, carbon neutrality, and health impacts

To offer your products or services to the city, please register to join the supplier database.